black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Osnažujemo djecu kroz karate,sport i ljudske vrijednosti

Empowering kids through karate, sports, and values.

Dječji tečajevi karatea

Zabavni i zanimljivi trening karatea za djecu. Učimo kroz igru, uz disciplinu.

Promicanje timskog rada i discipline kroz karate.

Izgradnja povjerenja i poštovanja kod mladih polaznika.

Timski duh
Ljudske vrijednosti

Dobrodošli u karate klub ARENA

Pridružite nam se u promicanju sportskog duha i ljudskih vrijednosti kroz karate. Naš klub posvećen je njegovanju mladih članova i njegovanju ljubavi prema borilačkim vještinama u poticajnom okruženju.

Two children wearing martial arts uniforms practice in a grassy outdoor area. One child, with a yellow belt, appears to be in a defensive stance, while the other, with a green belt, executes a high kick. In the background, a multi-story building and some trees are visible, with additional people in the distance.
Two children wearing martial arts uniforms practice in a grassy outdoor area. One child, with a yellow belt, appears to be in a defensive stance, while the other, with a green belt, executes a high kick. In the background, a multi-story building and some trees are visible, with additional people in the distance.

Karate za djecu

Stavljamo ogroman fokus na pravi oblik i ravnotežu svakoga pojedinca. Pridružite se našem karate klubu kako biste poboljšali sportski duh, disciplinu i ljudske vrijednosti.

Razvoj vještina

Usredotočeni smo na poboljšanje fizičkih vještina, samopouzdanja i timskog rada kroz zanimljive karate treninge.

Istinski karate

Karate nije igra bodova, težinske klase ili upadljivih demonstracija. To je borilačka vještina i način života koji obučava karataša da bude miran.

Naši iskusni instruktori vode djecu u učenju karatea dok usađuju važne životne vrijednosti i disciplinu.

Iskusni treneri
A group of children is practicing martial arts, focusing on their stance and positioning. An adult male instructor in a black shirt is facing them, likely giving instructions or demonstrating techniques. The setting appears to be indoors with various chairs and tables in the background.
A group of children is practicing martial arts, focusing on their stance and positioning. An adult male instructor in a black shirt is facing them, likely giving instructions or demonstrating techniques. The setting appears to be indoors with various chairs and tables in the background.
A group of people dressed in martial arts uniforms practice karate on a sandy beach during sunset. They are all in a synchronized stance, performing the same move with extended arms.
A group of people dressed in martial arts uniforms practice karate on a sandy beach during sunset. They are all in a synchronized stance, performing the same move with extended arms.


Explore vibrant moments of karate and community spirit.

A martial arts dojo with several people practicing. The room is well-lit with ceiling lights and a soft red-pink mat covers the floor. Participants are dressed in traditional martial arts uniforms, focusing on their movements.
A martial arts dojo with several people practicing. The room is well-lit with ceiling lights and a soft red-pink mat covers the floor. Participants are dressed in traditional martial arts uniforms, focusing on their movements.